YP Letters: Cyclists could do more to protect themselves

Should use of cycle lanes be mandatory for riders where provided?Should use of cycle lanes be mandatory for riders where provided?
Should use of cycle lanes be mandatory for riders where provided?
From: Paul Morgan, Canberra View, Barton-Upon-Humber, North Lincolnshire.

IN his letter (The Yorkshire Post, March 27) regarding the everyday dangers cyclists face from speeding motorists, Edward Grainger suggests amendments to the law to help protect cyclists.

He is right in many respects, but cyclists also need to do much more to protect themselves.

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One example would be actually using cycle paths when the are provided. A classic example is the A164 between Cottingham and Beverley. Well maintained cycle paths have been provided, at taxpayers’ expense, on both sides of the road, but all to often cyclists, especially lycra-clad sports cyclists, ignore these and persist on riding on a dangerous road in proximity to speeding traffic.

If the law needs amending to protect cyclists, one change should be to make the use of cycle paths and lanes mandatory when they are provided, with fines and possibly confiscation 
of cycles for those who continue to use the roads.

It is somewhat hypocritical of cycling and green pressure groups to advocate more cycle paths and priority routes, and then not use them when provided.