YP Letters: Why stick to a bad decision over Brexit?

What now for Brexit?What now for Brexit?
What now for Brexit?
From: John Cole, Oakroyd Terrace, Baildon, Shipley.

DOES it help in life if people are intellectually honest?

Do we get better outcomes if voters are led by the evidence in making their choices, rather than blindly sticking to a decision made in the past because they are too stubborn to admit they got that decision wrong?

The evidence is piling up that the choice for the UK to leave the EU was a wrong decision.

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There will be no additional £350m per week for the NHS but rather the opposite as the Government has less tax take from an economy that is hamstrung by the effects of Brexit.

Brexit will cost an additional £2bn in an expanded civil service – made necessary by having to deal with the additional work caused by severing ourselves from the EU.

Few people factored this in to their thinking when they voted on June 23, 2016.

Pig-headedness on the part of those who voted “Leave” and now refuse to re-evaluate continues to damage the best interests of this country. As Mark Twain wrote: “It is easier to fool the people than to persuade them that they have been fooled.”

From: G Wright, Fieldside Court, Church Fenton.

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WITH his somewhat histrionic approach, accompanied by much waving of arms, Guy Verhofstadt is supported by Jean-Claude Juncker and Martin Schulz in advocating more central control by the EU, to solve current problems.

A case for more central financial control might be discussed for those countries using the euro as currently, 
but there is also mounting pressure for a European Defence Force.

A defence force without some attack capability is of doubtful effectiveness – sitting ducks come to mind – and with many participating countries the concept raises a number of questions.

The overriding question, as there will be only one nuclear power – France – when the UK leaves, is whose finger will be on the nuclear strike button?

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From: Nat Wendel, Kingston Chambers, Land of Green Ginger, Hull.

IT wasn’t racism which led people to vote for Brexit, as the Liberal Democrats claim, but austerity – which they brought on us when they cosied up to the Conservatives in government.

If Vince Cable came to Yorkshire more often, he might realise just how irrelevant his party has become, and no amount of name calling will change that.

PR for real democracy

From: Don Burslam, Elm Road, Dewsbury Moor, Dewsbury.

THE present House of Commons is not at all representative of political opinion in the country. For instance, the Lib Dems got well over seven per cent last year which should have netted them nearly 50 seats instead of the 12 they got.

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First past the post no longer delivers the strong government it is supposed to provide. The main task of the present MPs is to toe the party line regardless. PR would usher in a less regimented system truly reflecting the balance of opinion.

At present candidates are chosen by a small group of reactionaries or extremists in the constituencies. These people wield far more power than is desirable. PR works quite well in several countries with a more mature attitude to the business of government. For example, Germany, far more successful than the UK, is run by a more or less permanent coalition.

Bittersweet celebration

From: John Roberts, St John’s, Wakefield.

CONGRATULATIONS to all concerned on the fascinating event in Wakefield at the Town Hall about Wood Street. The film, dramatic re-enactments and historical recollections (not forgetting the superb silk paintings) made for a truly worthwhile and well-attended day.

However, could I draw to the attention of The Wakefield Civic Society and others an overlooked corner of the Wood Street area which sadly was recently swept away?

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I’m sure few of us were sad to see the demolition of Rishworth Street car park, a 1970s blot on the landscape if ever there was one.

I understand from the film shown that Wood Street and the adjoining streets form a conservation area, which leaves me, and a number of people, confused as to why an early 18th century brick wall in Gills Yard (behind the old police station) – in close proximity to Wood Street – succumbed to demolition when the car Rishworth Street car park was demolished.

Council officials have little, if any, excuse in 2018 to plead a lack of awareness. Back in the 1960s, many of our towns made self-inflicted wounds on their urban infrastructure. In those days, we only had a few brave souls willing to stand up and protest (John Betjeman, a man with the common touch, was one).

So, the celebration of Wood Street had a bittersweet element. At the very time we recognised its importance, a fascinating historical curio had recently been allowed to be demolished.

Apostrophe on its travels

From: Brian H Sheridan, Lodge Moor, Sheffield.

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ON behalf of the apostrophe police I am bound to comment on the erratic treatment of Mothers’ Day with regard to grammar. Having seen a serious newspaper place the apostrophe before the “s”, I was impressed by a teacher’s placing the apostrophe after the “s” at my grandchildren’s school. Of course, if commercialism hadn’t made the term “Mothering Sunday” almost obsolete, I would have to find something else to be pedantic about.

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