YP Letters: Train wreck began on playing fields of Eton

Is Network Rail or Transport Secretary Chris Grayling to blame for the chaos on the railways?Is Network Rail or Transport Secretary Chris Grayling to blame for the chaos on the railways?
Is Network Rail or Transport Secretary Chris Grayling to blame for the chaos on the railways?
From: ME Wright, Harrogate.

ONCE again, hapless frontline staff catch it from incandescent would-be train passengers (The Yorkshire Post, May 26). Both they and we are victims of historic and ongoing ineptitude by suits and politicians on a quite outstanding scale.

Predictably, an accusing finger is pointed at state-owned Network Rail.

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Is the answer really: why not privatise them and then let the entire network go feral, like the banks did?

Alternatively, might the Westminster wiseacres be ready to accept that vital public services demand and deserve something more cerebral than the rah-rah mores of the playing fields of Eton?

From: Coun Tim Mickleburgh (Lab), Boulevard Avenue, Grimsby.

ISN’T the main cause of road congestion the sheer number of vehicles on them these days? You can build more roads to take the extra traffic, but this isn’t possible on estates and in town centres where there just isn’t the room.

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So really, we do need to look at boosting public transport so that people can realistically leave their cars in the garage. Or at the station as when I lived in Hebden Bridge, and people commuted from there into work.