YP Letters: Don't delay '“ set us free from Europe as soon as possible

When should Theresa May invoke Article 50?When should Theresa May invoke Article 50?
When should Theresa May invoke Article 50?
From: David Nutt, Huby, Leeds.

WHAT is the real reason why the Prime Minister is putting-off playing the silly Article 50 game? Surely it cannot be as speculated by GP Taylor in his mischievous article (The Yorkshire Post, August 3) – or can it?

Every day that passes without signs of concerted action towards our exit will increase the suspicion that the Establishment is ’playing for time’ with the aim of frustrating the will of the majority Brexit vote.

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If this shilly-shallying were to extend as far as GP Taylor’s predicted October election, then the blood-letting in Westminster would be spectacular – it is to be hoped that the current avoidable Ukip turmoil does not prevent that party from being ready to mop-up a large share of the 17 million exit votes that would be up for grabs.

No! I do not share Mr Taylor’s entertaining ultra-cynicism, and remain optimistic that ‘Brexit continues to mean Brexit’. Please prove me right Mrs May.

Why do I refer to Article 50 as a silly game? Because it is irrelevant. The repeatedly stated EU ‘freedom of movement’ imperative and the obstacle of obtaining unanimity of all 27 member states, dictate that no negotiation with Brussels can succeed and we must negotiate individual trade agreements – and the sooner the better!

From: James Robson, West End, Kirbymoorside, York.

I WISH to register my appreciation of GP Taylor’s timely and trenchant warning about the deliberate tardiness and obfuscation of the Remain camp since the EU referendum.

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As well as being the worst sore losers in recent history, they continue to display the same arrogance that led to their defeat.

It was a delight on the morning after the result to witness the seething rage of some Ryedale’s ‘fat cats’ as they chuntered about mad Leave voters and the likes of Nigel Farage.

I did detect a quiet satisfaction from those who voted Out, and I mean those labourers, builders, factory workers, and housewives who shocked the establishment.

By demonstrating that 
money was not their main concern, but sovereignty, 
identity and regaining 
control were more important, 
their trust in Theresa May’s affirmation that ‘Brexit 
means Brexit’ must not be broken.

From: William Bentley, Malton.

IF corporation tax is cut, as you suggest (The Yorkshire Post, August 5), Article 50 should be invoked immediately.