YP Letters: A patronising view of the nursing profession

What more can be done to promote nursing as a career?What more can be done to promote nursing as a career?
What more can be done to promote nursing as a career?
From: Elizabeth Nicholson, Retired nurse, Weetwood Court, Leeds.

WITH regard to the report on the study published by Children’s Commissioner Anne Longfield (The Yorkshire Post, March 26), it warned of the growing divide between girls living in the North and those in the South, based on lower earnings for Northerners and also on gender.

According to the study, Northern girls were more likely to enter lower -paying careers, such as caring and nursing. The commissioner attempted to temper her view of these “gendered” jobs by saying that they were “really important”, and as being “good jobs” and “important and good jobs” despite not being highly paid. She added that she did not want to dissuade anyone from going into them, but that having choices was really important.

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Modern nurse training is now a university-based degree course, one which requires significant academic and practical ability in order to qualify. Student nurses are highly unlikely to drift into the course due to lack of choice. They have to commit to a much tougher course than many soft-option degrees offered by universities. A nursing degree also leads to an “important” and responsible job.

Unfortunately, this study appears to cast a negative light on caring and nursing as a career, and not one to which young women (and men) might be encouraged to apply. A career in which the gender pay gap does not apply.

Bad timing, Ms Longfield, when our country is facing a severe shortage of nurses, most of whom are proud of their profession and do not need to be patronised.

I was also interested that the North-East of England was solely targeted as an area of deprivation and that there was no reference to the higher cost of living in the South having a bearing on higher levels of pay.

Home truths on valuations

From: Ben Elder, RICS international director for valuation.

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THE article by Conal Gregory entitled ‘Valuations can lead to collapse of house sales’ (The Yorkshire Post, March 24) addressed the need for transparency of valuation prices for all the key parties involved in the purchase of a mortgage.

However, the suggestion that the ‘antics of surveyors instructed by mortgage providers are hampering first-time buyers’ by down-valuing homes’ does not provide a true reflection of the situation.

A valuation report – carried out for the lender or bank – is normally carried out by an RICS-registered valuer who has a duty to report independently and accurately the market value.

The market value is based on comparable market evidence, usually a minimum of three sales transactions of similar properties in the local area, and also the professional’s knowledge of the local market including supply-and-demand dynamics.

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For this reason, it is quite possible that the valuation for the lender – the market value – does not match an asking price for a property that has been set by the seller or agent.

When house prices are falling or rising at a faster rate than typical, as they are in some areas of the country, or when transaction levels are perhaps not what they might be, surveyors have to be very certain they can evidence the value on paper as they can be sued for over-valuing properties by lenders.

Turmeric is spice of life

From: Graham Lund, Dalrymple Street, Girvan.

IT is reassuring that over-60s are widely offered NHS screening for bowel cancer. May they also be offered sage advice on how to prevent bowel problems using dietary methods?

A diet high in roughage seems to help, and a daily intake of turmeric has been associated with preventing polyps in the intestine. There may be variance between those using turmeric for cooking and those who don’t. This information needs to be considered by the medical professionals who are qualified to make careful judgments.

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I am happy to take this supplement on a daily basis. The cost of one daily capsule is barely 16p, hardly noticeable, even less so when special offers occur. I find the thought of surgery unpleasant.

This activity is not fun

From: Mr S. B. Oliver, Churchill Grove, Heckmondwike.

IT is right that the Government is looking to address the subject of gambling by reducing the maximum bet on certain gaming machines and John Dodd is correct in his comments on the wording of the logo about when “the fun stops” (The Yorkshire Post, March 26). I would suggest even further action by introducing a law which prohibits companies from advertising / offering a bribe of cash-equivalent benefits to anyone who signs up or registers with them.

How many times do we see adverts on TV or internet or on radio which ask for £10 and then “Get 20 free spins” or “Bet with £50” or “Get 10 free games” or many other similar tempting offers? It should be made illegal for any gambling / bingo companies to entice people to start gambling by adverts that offer money-equivalent

discounts on their various “money for nothing” starter schemes. If the fun ever starts, it won’t last long.

Pockets are just not cricket

From: Colin Heaton, Kirkburton.

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IN light of recent developments at the South Africa v Australia series, a question: Are pockets necessary for cricketers’ clothing?

Answer: No. Players of cricket do not need pockets while playing the game. Ban them.

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