YP Letters: A nation divided by Brexit and failure to invest in North

Theresa May needs to put the north first.Theresa May needs to put the north first.
Theresa May needs to put the north first.
From: Edward Grainger, Botany Way, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough.

A COMPLETELY new approach by Theresa May’s Government is needed to stop London’s dominance with the combined effect of a third runway at Heathrow and high-speed rail links to the capital.

If the Northern Powerhouse is not just a political ‘soundbite’ our great cities of the North, in particular Leeds, Sheffield, Manchester, Hull and Newcastle, need urgent super rail links between each centre to bring the North into the 21st century.

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More of the same as far as transport infrastructure goes; it simply will not do as we sleepwalk into an even more divided nation.

Who will speak up for the North of England to restore the balance before the economy comes crashing down as London and the South East finally, and irrevocably, create two separate nations in England, and particularly Yorkshire, from the Tees to the Humber? A Powerhouse? I think not.

Mayors are not the answer, but a Minister for the North would be a start.

From: James Robson, Kirbymoorside.

THE latest manoeuvre by a motley crew of Remoaners only serves to convince me that the Northern regions of England should declare independence and leave the foreign city state of London to stew in its own arrogance and hubris.

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Westminster has never given a damn about the North and no longer even seems to understand the principles of democracy.

Perhaps the gallant Brexiteers, and Theresa May, could be prevailed upon to set up Government in York (which has been the capital before). Not only is the air much cleaner up here but the people are still honest. In the words of Supermac Harold Macmillan: “The further North one goes, the better the people – and the salmon.”

From: Judy Goodwin, Altofts.

AS most of our MPs have no wish to leave the EU, they will 
now do everything in their 
power to block this happening.

They have no wish to see 
the EU gravy train leave the station without themselves onboard.

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But in two years we will 
have a General Election and 
then the people of this country can show them what democracy is.

Most MPs are professional politicians and unemployable outside of Westminster.

A few years in the wilderness would focus their minds no end.