Letter: Time to make our pavements safer

Roads on the pavement at RuswarpRoads on the pavement at Ruswarp
Roads on the pavement at Ruswarp
Just after 1pm on Wednesday, I stepped out of my front door on to the pavement on Ruswarp High Street.

Leaping back into my home saved me from the eight-wheeler lorry passing my home... ON THE PAVEMENT.

This is not an unusual occurrence, but, when the traffic was still all over the place some 15 minutes later, I reached for my camera.

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This is to forestall excuses from the council and highways department that there is not a problem.

I might add that pedestrians trying to use the pavement past my home at the time, including one lady with a toddler and another young mother with a pram, were put in fear for their own safety and that of the children.

On the other hand, if the congestion clears, then our alternative in Ruswarp is shown by a recent traffic census taken on the village High Street showing more than half cars, lorries and other vehicles travelling through Ruswarp are exceeding the speed limit.

Perhaps when a pedestrian is seriously hurt or killed, someone among our leaders may just think they should do something to protect residents and visitors from these dangerous situations.

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After all, money was finally found to remove the dangerous chicanes at Briggswath, not following the accidents they have caused, but to give easier travel for the Tour De Yorkshire, a really sad comment on the priorities of those entrusted with safeguarding the public.

Derek J Lee

High Street
