YP Letters: We are too tolerant of the attitudes of immigrants in UK

Yvette Cooper MP meeting refugees on the island of Lesbos.Yvette Cooper MP meeting refugees on the island of Lesbos.
Yvette Cooper MP meeting refugees on the island of Lesbos.
From: Mrs BJ Cussons, Ilkley.

LIKE many others, I am getting heartily sick of immigrants, primarily Asian ones, blaming British people or British politicians for people’s changing attitudes towards them.

Most come here because our tolerant society offers them a far better life than the country they have left where corrupt politicians, tribal or religious leaders have created disruptive societies.

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Aisha Iqbal (The Yorkshire Post, January 14) tells us that after 40 years her mother does not speak fluent English. If her mother had been a grandma on her arrival here one might sympathise. No, she was 21 and her culture stopped her from giving to, instead of taking from, this country.

Our very tolerance has contributed to this as, we bent over backwards to accommodate the 1970s and 1980s influx.

Many of those were thankful for what we had to offer and did work to improve themselves but their culture, which keeps women in the background does no one any good and forced inter-family marriages adds cost to our health services.

Despite Ms Iqbal claiming that many people have to rely on “back home”, much of the money earned in England has actually gone “back home” and little is spent in British shops.

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People of many religions have learned that it is not right to bring children into the world that neither they nor the society around them can provide for, yet we are asked to provide for thousands who are fleeing the chaos that is the Middle East.

Some two months ago, a Northern imam was criticising the emergence of anti-Muslim feeling when the reason is the brutality of extremists whose behaviour is incomprehensible to British people as well as being an insult to the Prophet.

There is also the minimal reactions of faithful Muslims to what is being done in the name of Islam. Only recently have responsible leaders spoken out.

We stamped down on BNP and National Front extremists; now the same needs to happen to Islamist extremists.

From: Terry Palmer, South Lea Avenue, Hoyland, Barnsley.

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HOW pathetic Labour MP Yvette Cooper (Mrs Ed Balls) appears to be when pleading with David Cameron to take in around 3,000 Syrian children. Maybe she should be aiming her pleading at the rich Arab countries?

We don’t want the adults, if Cologne is anything to go by, so Ms Cooper and her ilk turn their attention to the children, hoping to tug at the heartstrings while doing nothing regarding our own children living in poverty.