I soon warmed up and then remade the bed that the dogs had so kindly rearranged for their greater comfort - Sue Woodcock

Sue has had a busy week with the choirSue has had a busy week with the choir
Sue has had a busy week with the choir
On Monday, I headed into Pocklington in the evening for our Pocklington Singers’ rehearsal.

I had sorted, numbered and listed all the scores of the Rutter Requiem during the week and they were duly handed to the members for the duration of our singing the work.

I am not greatly enamoured of the work, but I am sure I will like it, once I know it. After the rehearsal some of us adjourned to the pub, and after a chat I made it home.

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On Tuesday I had to be up early as I needed to dose the cat and one of the dogs, and then get my Staffie, Brock, to the vet without incident. I had two large bags of newspapers to give the vet, that I had collected. They use them for lining cages and pens.

I watched several squirrels almost dancing along the tree branches - Sue WoodcockYorkshire vet Julian Norton is releasing a new book on his life at a new practiceIn order to start, I had first to defrost the car, and made the mistake of putting Brock into the car while I did so. In the short time I was occupied she managed to get to one of the bags and disintegrated the bottom of it and shredded several newspapers.

At the vet there was a bit of a wait as an emergency had come in, and I spent time and energy dissuading Brock from having a go at the other animals in the waiting room. When our turn came the staff were full of apologies about the wait but each of us waiting understood and accepted it.

Brock was delighted to meet the vet and was injected with her annual jabs and examined. She only tried to get out of the room by undoing the door handle once.

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On Thursday, my friend walked the dogs for me and showed me some of the beautiful crochet she is doing. She has recently taken up the skill and is already far beyond my abilities with it.

In the evening I drove to the nearby village of Nunburnholme, for a Celebration Singers’ practice.

The next evening, I had been invited by a friend to join her and her husband at the local village quiz at Huggate, in the pub there.

I went early and was introduced to their wonderful, huge and soppy black Labrador, Max, that instantly found the dog treats in my handbag.

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They have a beautiful house and after a chat, we went to the pub. The quiz was fun but our lack of knowledge of TV sitcoms let us down and we only came third.

The next day I sorted out my concert attire. In the evening, I set off for Nunburnholme again. I saw a little owl in flight, and a bit further on another owl, I think a tawny one.

The concert was a great success. The church was packed, and it went very well indeed.

So many people had come, the hosts had to rush off for new supplies of water and wine!

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The concert raised over £300 for the church funds. Having got very cold in the rehearsal, I had worn several layers for the concert and was comfortably warm, except for my feet.

Once home, I soon warmed up and then remade the bed that the dogs had so kindly rearranged for their greater comfort!

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