YP Letters: Quaker faith urges us to reduce fossil fuel use

Fracking opponents lobby North Yorkshire County Council.Fracking opponents lobby North Yorkshire County Council.
Fracking opponents lobby North Yorkshire County Council.
From: Phyllis Wicks, Clerk, Pickering Quakers.

WE are dismayed at the decision of North Yorkshire County Council’s planning committee to approve the application by Third Energy to start fracking at Kirby Misperton. Many of our members have individually logged objections alongside over 4,300 friends and neighbours in and around our community. Following the decision, we now feel moved to speak out collectively against this proposal.

Quakers have a strong commitment to environmental issues and we believe that all people have the right to affordable energy that does not harm the planet. Since 2011, Quakers in Britain have resolved corporately to reduce their carbon footprint and to divest away from fossil fuels – for example by changing energy suppliers, investing in fossil free funds, or by making small changes in our everyday lives to reduce consumption. By leading simpler lives in a low-carbon society, we draw nearer to the abundance of peace, freedom and true community. Despite the local decision about fracking, we can and will continue to promote the development of sustainable energy and reduce our dependence on a product which threatens the environment. We rejoice in the beauty and variety of our incredible world, and seek to maintain it in all its splendour.