Wolds Diary: Young carol singers warm the heart after nasty cyber scare

The countryside is beautiful in the Wolds whatever the season.  Pic: Tony BartholomewThe countryside is beautiful in the Wolds whatever the season.  Pic: Tony Bartholomew
The countryside is beautiful in the Wolds whatever the season. Pic: Tony Bartholomew
IT HAS not really been that wonderful a week. Obviously some unpleasant thief has been having fun with details of my finances, or at least they have tried.

PayPal contacted me to say that someone apparently from Redbridge was trying to take money from my account but had failed. They contacted me quickly and have set investigations in motion, and I have not lost anything, yet. At a time of the year when I should feel forgiving and warm towards strangers I am finding it very hard.

The dogs have been very muddy at times this week. I took the three younger ones to a favourite walk of mine at Londesborough, and they had a wonderful time in the mud there, even succeeding in pulling me over a couple of times, so I could share in the delight of getting covered in it too. I was wearing a brand new outfit, luckily washable, and my boots took ages to get clean. So did the dogs.

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The two older dogs went for a slightly more sedate and definitely cleaner walk into Pocklington and around. I even took my old collie, Fair (also known as ASBO) into church one day, where she delighted in being made a fuss of by those having a welcome cup of coffee there. A charming liver coloured spaniel was delighted to make friends and they were found happily searching under the table together for any crumbs. This dog had to visit the vet this week and is sporting a fetching blue soft umbrella like collar to stop her licking at a sore on her leg.

My handyman is working hard and now my bathroom is positively posh. My study is coming on as well and it makes so much difference if the walls are of a calming colour. I have rearranged some pictures in the house and when the reorganization is finished my place will almost be respectable.

I’m also spinning some wool for a friend who donated me some fleeces and this makes a terrible mess, with bits of wool scattered over the floor but it will tidy, eventually. All this has necessitated a couple of visits to the tip.

The singers had their Christmas meal at the start of the week and not only was it a great evening in excellent company but the food was superb. My diet is definitely on hold for a month. I went to a small party with friends on the Thursday evening. While I was at their wonderful antiques emporium I found a couple of things I couldn’t possible live without. I also went over to a meeting at Nafferton which, as it was coming up to Christmas, had a very good buffet afterwards. The fog on the way there was dense so it took me longer to get there but by the time I came home it had, thankfully, almost gone.

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I’ve also been busy exploring a new walk that I was told about, which when the stock is out of it will be wonderful. The owner has told me I can let the dogs run in there when it is empty, as he does not want too many rabbits. To say it is spectacular is an understatement, and had I not been told of it I would never have found it.

The countryside in the Wolds is stunning in its beauty. I keep finding new and hidden gems, either villages or natural features. At another wooded walk I have discovered that someone has fly tipped a load of things, an old fridge, a television and copious amounts of rubbish. They had to expend a lot of effort just to get it into the wood, would it not have been easier to take it to the tip?

I have enjoyed catching up with friends mainly through the exchange of Christmas cards. I was delivering some cards in Market Weighton, and called into Tesco there, and was greeted by the school children of Mount Pleasant School from the town, whose choir and rock choir were singing to an audience in the car park. They were wonderful, and their repertoire was extensive. This unexpected treat made my day. Their carols were accompanied by movement and they were well rehearsed and full of delightful enthusiasm, which spread a wonderful Christmas message to those watching on. As New Year approaches I too wish to extend hope for the future, to all our readers, that 2016 will be good.