Wolds Diary: Solar event confuses the dogs

The partial eclipse tricked the dogs into thinking the day was over.The partial eclipse tricked the dogs into thinking the day was over.
The partial eclipse tricked the dogs into thinking the day was over.
ALTHOUGH I have managed to walk the dogs, I’ve not been that energetic this week. I have duly attended the doctors for blood tests and await the results.

But outside the window, the countryside is bursting with buds. Before long the greenery will be sprouting and I’ve noticed that the crops in the fields are coming on well.

There have been some glorious days and the grass in my garden is starting to grow.

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A friend of mine asked if I could repair her sister’s teddy bear that was so loved there was not much left of it, and it looked like a one-eyed, limp rag. It was a in a very sorry state but I managed to restuff it, give it a new skin and a new pair of eyes and now it looks like the bear it once was. The lady was very pleased and it has cheered her up while she was poorly.

Despite how I’ve been feeling, I’ve not been idle and have been out and about, and on the Tuesday evening I went to a meeting in Nafferton taking a friend from near Stamford Bridge with me.

On the way back the fog was dangerously thick and I drove along at a very sedate pace unlike a few other motorists who obviously have x-ray vision. I expected to come across them at an accident but they seemed to have been lucky and got away with it. It was a strange, swirling fog that was dense in places and non-existent in others.

We have a wonderful charity here in Pocklington, Young People Count, that has a vibrant and well-used youth club. The premises generously loaned to them by a kind benefactor is no longer available and they have been seeking a place to erect a modular building to house the club. They hope to place it on a piece of common land next to the newly erected, but unlit, skateboard park in Pocklington. The town council did not agree and refused, but it did decide to revisit the matter at a special meeting which I attended with several of the youngsters involved and their volunteers and trustees.

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One of the teenagers spoke bravely and eloquently and they asked to put a suitable building (like a pavilion) as a temporary measure for five years. There were several very good councillors who spoke for the cause and whom I admired. They agreed to allow the placement of the buildings for 12 months.

The next evening I was invited to a production of Bugsy Malone at Melbourne Community Primary School near Pocklington. My young friend Henry was doing the writing and the whole evening was a delight. The cast and everyone involved were quite superb.

I have seldom enjoyed a show more and there is great potential among the youngsters. I am sure that in time some of them will have outstanding stage careers.

There is a quality about a school such as this one where they can put on such a high standard of performance. Even the local cat Ginge who spends time at the school was there outside to greet everyone. It was a wonderful and very happy evening and the whole of this week I have been struck by the quality of the youngsters in this area. Not only do they have an excellent work ethic they have manners and talent and most of all, enthusiasm.

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I enjoyed the solar eclipse and was pleased that the weather was kind for it. As the moon blocked the sun the whole atmosphere became quite eerie and I can understand why primitive people were terrified of such events. It made me realise just how insignificant I am in the scale of things.

I was somewhat amused that as the light faded my dogs happily retreated to their beds as if the day was over. They soon realised their mistake and then demanded a second breakfast! I relented and gave them a tasty treat instead.

Somewhere, either at the doctors’ surgery or while I have been out and about, I have managed to pick up a heavy head cold and have been feeling very lethargic. For once, I decided to take care of myself until I am a bit better. I have concentrated on doing things inside like the much-needed washing and tidying and then some sewing that was most urgent. The dogs didn’t help very much with this!