Gardening - jobs for the week ahead

If you prune lupins now it will encourage further flowers.If you prune lupins now it will encourage further flowers.
If you prune lupins now it will encourage further flowers.
Well, it's certainly been wet and windy this week, but a gardener's work is never done come rain or shine. Here are some things to be getting on with:

Cut back faded perennial plants to keep borders tidy.

As penstemon flowers fade, cut them back to just above a bud to encourage more flowers.

Cutting back growth in hanging-baskets can encourage new flowers and foliage and will revive the display. Make sure you feed baskets well.

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Cut back hardy geraniums and delphiniums after the first flush of flowers to encourage new growth and further blooms.

Continue to tie in and train new growth on climbing plants.

Prune lupins (pictured) to encourage further flowers.

Divide clumps of bearded iris so they have time to form roots and flower buds for next year before the cold weather arrives.

Nip off the growing tips of squash and courgette plants to encourage branching.