Gardening jobs for the week ahead

Discard any damaged fruit that has fallen from your trees.Discard any damaged fruit that has fallen from your trees.
Discard any damaged fruit that has fallen from your trees.
It's been chilly in recent days but it's been bright, so make hay while the sun shines...

Divide mature clumps of rhubarb once they’re dormant.

Plant currant bushes while they’re dormant and do the same with raspberry canes.

Tidy up strawberry plants – cut off any dead leaves and remove runners.

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Prune pear and apple trees anytime between now and February but do not prune plum trees as they will be susceptible to silver leaf fungus.

Apply grease bands to the trunks of fruit trees to prevent wingless female winter moths climbing up and laying their eggs in the branches.

Check fruits in storage and remove any – particularly windfalls (pictured) – showing signs of disease or rotting.

Aerate the lawn – there should still be time to do it before winter sets in. You can either use a lawn aerator or a more basic garden fork.