A Level results: Harrogate Grammar School

A-level resultsA-level results
A-level results
The Yorkshire Post's A-Level results service

J ABAYGAR econ, germ*, sociol; M ADAMS eng lang, gen studs, health and soc c, sociol; T ADAMS geol**, hist, psychol**; D ADDISON art and des *; M AIKMAN art and des , span; E ALLINSON fine art*, photy, sociol; I ALTAF biol, chem, maths; H ATKINS geog, psychol, rel studs; H AUTY biol, gen studs, psychol; R BAR-AD comp, eng lang, sociol; A BARRAL econ, gen studs; B BARRETT eng lang, psychol, sociol; M BEELEY econ, ital, maths; L BEESLEY eng lang, med studs, sociol; J BENSON apld busi *, geog, trav and tour*; T BOOTH apld busi , gen studs, psychol, rel studs; M BOTROS fine art, chem, geog; E BOWERING fren*, maths, psychol**; G BOWMAN econ*, geog, maths; T BOYD biol**, chem, psychol**;

E BREWINS apld busi *, eng lang, sociol*; H BRODERSTAD econ, geog, maths; J BROOK econ, geog*, maths; B BROOKSBANK geog, psychol, rel studs; S BULMER prod des, geol, trav and tour; K BURNSIDE psychol, rel studs, sociol; J CALVERT graphic com, med studs; S CAMFIELD apld busi , geog; J CANNON biol, chem*, maths*; A CASSELLS-SMITH biol, chem, hist; F CHAN comp*, frth maths , maths**, phys*; N CHAPPELL eng lang, eng lit*, sociol; T CHAPPELL apld busi , apld busi2 ; S CIRULLI art and des , ital**, span*; M CLARKE apld busi , sociol; M CLARKSON biol*, chem**, span*; E CLAYTON chem*, frth maths **, maths**, phys**; A COATES art and des , graphic com, health and soc c; P COLLINS art and des , biol, prod des**; T COLTMAN biol*, chem, sport and pe*;

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J CONSTABLE art and des , graphic com*, prod des; A COOPER photy, trav and tour; S COTTON art and des , apld busi , geog; H COWDROY apld busi , health and soc c; B COX biol, geol, sport and pe; E COX graphic com, apld busi , maths; L CROCKER chem**, frth maths **, maths**, phys**; A DANTE eng lit**, gov and polits, hist; E DAVENPORT biol, chem, fren*, frth maths , maths*; T DAVEY eng lang, eng lit, gen studs; T DAVEY econ, geog, hist; O DAVIDSON biol, chem, maths; C DAVIS maths, phys, psychol; L DEARING art and des *, eng lit; D DEWAR biol, chem, maths; K DIXON biol, chem, eng lit**; A DODSWORTH graphic com, med studs; J DONNELLY apld busi , prod des, econ; R DOWNER med studs, sociol; J DYER art and des , biol*, eng lang**;

A DYSON biol*, econ*, frth maths *, maths**; E EDWARDS art and des , eng lit, hist; R ELLIS econ*, maths*, psychol*; H ERBILIR biol, geog, maths; S ETHERINGTON mus; G FARRAR gov and polits*, hist, mus; E FEARN econ, fren, span; M FENDER gov and polits, hist, mus; C FEUERBORN frth maths , geol*, maths**, phys; A FISHER graphic com*, apld busi , eng lang; F FISHER eng lang, health and soc c, sociol; S FISHER chem, maths, phys; D FLESHER apld busi , geog, geol; E FLYNN mus; E FORNSWORTH eng lit**, fren*, geog*, germ*; B FRANKLIN art and des , photy, sociol; M GAIR gov and polits, hist*, sociol**; R GARRETT art and des *, eng lang*, hist**; M GIBSON biol, maths, psychol**; R GODDEN photy, apld busi , health and soc c;

A GOLD maths*; S GOLDBERG eng lit**, fren, hist*; C GRAHAM-RACK econ, geog, span; K GRIFFITHS biol, maths, psychol; B GUGAN comp, maths, phys; W HAIN comp, maths, phys; I HALL geog, sport and pe, psychol; J HALL photy, econ, rel studs; I HARPER graphic com**, geog, geol; D HARRISON chem, maths, psychol; J HART account, apld sci , gen studs, psychol; S HARWELL biol, chem, span; D HEDLEY econ, geog, maths; L HEMMINGS mus, rel studs; D HENDERSON account, econ, maths; S HESKETH biol**, fren**, germ**, hist**; O HOLDEN apld busi , gen studs, med studs, sport and pe; A HOLMAN eng lit*, hist*, rel studs*; B HOPE eng lang, med studs, sociol; J HORSLEY graphic com;

C HUBBARD biol, comp, geol; A HUDSON gen studs, geog, maths, psychol; T HUNT gen studs, sport and pe, psychol; H IBBETSON geog, health and soc c, psychol; L IRELAND dram and theat studs, eng lit, mus*; C JACKSON ARGENT photy; N JACKSON fine art*, maths, psychol; K JACOBS photy, chem, psychol; M JEFFRIES eng lit, hist, psychol; E JENNINGS eng lit, health and soc c, sociol; B JONES art and des , sociol; B JONES biol**, chem*, maths; R JUDAH eng lit**, hist, rel studs; L KAY graphic com; J KEDDIE prod des, geog, geol; H KEEN geog, maths, phys; L KEMP mus, psychol*, span; B KING econ, geog, maths; D KIRK photy; M KITCHING account, apld busi *, geog;

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E KWONG chem, econ, maths; L LAW geog, health and soc c*, sport and pe; R LAWSON art and des , psychol; C LEATHAM art and des , geog, rel studs; J LEE apld busi , prod des, geog; E LEES dram and theat studs, fren, mus; K LESTNER eng lit, sociol, span*; E LEWIS econ, eng lit**, geog*; J LILY biol*, chem*, psychol*; M LISTER biol, chem, maths; D LOCKE biol, geog, psychol; E MACGREGOR art and des , maths, phys; M MACGREGOR econ*, geog*, phys; J MAGARRY frth maths **, maths**, phys**; J MALIK biol, span; T MASCIE-TAYLOR account, econ, geog; P MAYHEW biol, geog*, geol*; K MCARDLE apld busi , med studs; D MCCABE dram and theat studs**, eng lang**, eng lit*; J MCDONNELL dram and theat studs, mus, psychol;

F MCLEMAN biol, health and soc c*, psychol*; S MCPARTLAND apld busi , med studs, psychol; D MEARS psychol, rel studs, sociol*; R MERCHANT eng lang, psychol; G MILNE geol**, maths, phys; S MOORE psychol**, rel studs*, sociol*; M MORELAND graphic com, photy*; H MORGAN gov and polits, hist; E MOSS geog, geol, psychol; B MUIR apld busi , apld busi2 , eng lit; W MURRAY maths, sport and pe, phys; L MYLES maths*, mus*, psychol**; B NEESOM apld busi , mus; J NEVIN apld sci , sport and pe, psychol; D NEW maths, phys, sociol; C NICOL eng lit*, psychol*; P NIXON graphic com, prod des**, geol; G O’CONNOR biol, chem, psychol; J O’SHEA-PARR apld busi , apld busi2 , eng lang; N OTTMAN biol*, chem, mus*;

P OUTRAM account, apld busi , comp; M PATEMAN econ, geog, geol; Z PATERSON mus; S PEEL geog, hist, psychol; C PETTY econ*, geog, psychol; L PETTY econ*, geog*, hist*; Z PICKARD art and des , photy; J PICKERSGILL econ, eng lang, gen studs; H PILKINGTON biol*, chem*, frth maths **, maths**; S POLIZZI fren, ital*, psychol; K POLLITT art and des , biol, hist; M PRICE eng lang**, eng lit*, hist*; J PROCTER biol, chem, psychol; G PULEIKIS graphic com*, geog, geol; L PURDEN art and des , sociol; G RAMSDEN biol, ital, maths; O REID econ**, maths*, span*; C RILEY apld busi , trav and tour; O RIVETT-JONES biol, geog, ital; C ROBINSON biol*, chem;

A ROCH art and des , dram and theat studs; H ROSS biol, eng lang**, span; B RUHAN photy, apld busi , apld busi2 ; R RUSHTON biol, eng lang*, psychol**; E RYDER art and des ; L SADLER mus, sociol; L SANDFORD biol, fren, maths; C SAXTON eng lang, gen studs, psychol; E SAYERS comp, econ, maths; A SCHOFIELD eng lang; G SCHOFIELD graphic com, photy; H SEDDON apld busi ; E SHARP account, eng lang, mus; R SHERIDAN dram and theat studs, rel studs, sociol*; E SHORT hist*, rel studs, sociol*; I SHORTMAN econ*, fren*, geog**; J SHUFFLEY sport and pe*, phys, psychol; D SKINNER comp, maths, phys; G SMAIL geog, gov and polits, psychol; C SMALL psychol**, rel studs, sociol**;

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G SMITH apld busi , apld busi2 , dram and theat studs; T SORKIN trav and tour; G SOWA hist, psychol*, sociol**; J STANIFORTH biol*, chem*, maths*; L STARK photy, biol, health and soc c; J SWALLOW psychol, rel studs, sociol; A TAYLOR eng lit*, gov and polits, psychol; B TAYLOR graphic com, health and soc c, psychol; G TAYLOR biol*, econ**, maths; A TETLEY eng lang, psychol, rel studs; T TORGERSON chem**, frth maths **, maths**, phys**; A TOWNSEND apld busi , gen studs, sociol; M TRIGG apld busi , apld busi2 ; J UMPLEBY biol, econ, psychol; D VERITY econ, hist, psychol; A VISICK econ, geol, phys; H WAITE apld busi , apld busi2 , gen studs; E WALLING photy, eng lit, psychol; H WARD-BROWN apld busi , gen studs, ital; L WATSON eng lang, sport and pe;

O WATSON chem**, germ*, maths**, phys**; F WHEELER biol, geog, psychol*; F WHITEHOUSE photy, psychol, sociol; J WHITTINGTON comp, maths, phys; B WILLIAMS eng lit, psychol*, sociol; H WILSON biol*, chem, maths; K WILSON apld busi *, psychol*, sociol*; T WOODWARD geog, geol, phys; R WORRALL apld busi , econ, sport and pe; C WRIGHT apld sci , psychol; J WRIGHT chem, maths, phys; O WRIGHTSON eng lit**, germ, hist; J YAHKUP art and des *, photy, eng lang**; H YATES graphic com**, eng lang, psychol**; J ZAMMITT graphic com, med studs, sociol; L ZGORZAK graphic com, photy.


Grade A passes marked by an asterisk (*); Grade A-star passes marked by two asterisks(**). Accounting - account; Ancient history - anc history; Applied art and design - apld art and des; Applied art and design (dble award) - apld art and des2; Applied business - apld busi; Applied business (dble award) - apld busi2; Applied ICT - apld ict; Applied ICT (double) - apld ict2; Applied performing arts - apld perform arts; Applied science - apld sci; Arabic - arab; Archeology - arc; Art - art; Art and Design - art and des; Bengali - beng; Biology - biol; Biology and Human Biology - biol and hum biol; Business Studies - busi studs; Chemistry - chem; Chinese - chin; Classical Civilisation - class civil; Communication Studies - com studs; Computing - comp; Critical Thinking - crit think; Dance - dance; Design and Technology - des tech; Drama and theatre studies - dram and theat studs; Economics - econ; Economics and business studies - econ and busi studs; Electronics - elect; English Lang - eng lang; English Lang and Lit - eng lang and lit; English lit - eng lit; Environmental Science - environ sci; Film studies – film; Fine Art – fine art; French - fren; Further Maths - frth maths; General studies - gen studs; Geography - geog; Geology - geol; German - germ; Government and politics - gov and polits; Graphics communication - graphic com; Gujerati - guj; Health and Social Care - health and soc c; Health and Social Care (double award) - health and soc c2; Human biology - hum biol; History - hist; History of art - hist art; Home Ec - home ec; ICT - ICT; Latin - lat; ; Law - law; Leisure studies - leis studs; Leisure studies (double award) - leis studs2; Maths – maths; Maths (further additional) – F A maths; Media Studies - med studs; Music - mus; Music technology - mus tech; Panjabi - panj; Performance studies - perf studs; Performing arts - perf arts; Philosophy - philos; PE – pe; Photography - photy; Physics – phys; Product Design – prod des; Psychology - psychol; Religious Studies – rel studs; Russian - russ; Science - sci; Science in Society - Sci Soc; Sociology - sociol; Spanish - span; Sport abd Physical Education - sport and pe; Statistics – stats; Textiles - textiles; Theatre Studies - theat studs; Travel and Tourism - trav and tour; Travel and Tourism (double award) - trav and tour2; Urdu - urdu