It Comes At Night (15)

IN THE WOODS: Joel Edgerton in the thriller It Comes At Night.IN THE WOODS: Joel Edgerton in the thriller It Comes At Night.
IN THE WOODS: Joel Edgerton in the thriller It Comes At Night.
A family faces the onslaught of a disease that has decimated America in a slow-burning psychological thriller directed by Trey Edward Shults.

A virulent contagion, which manifests as pus-filled boils, has swept the globe, pitting neighbours against one another for survival. Paul (Joel Edgerton) and his wife Sarah (Carmen Ejogo) decide to ride out the storm with their 17-year-old son Travis (Kelvin Harrison Jr) by living in a fortified shack in the middle of the woods, monitoring each other for signs of infection.

Paul enforces two rules – always keep the front door locked and never go outside at night – which he hopes will keep his brood safe until the threat subsides.

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One night, the family wakes to noises in the house and Paul realises to his horror that someone or something from the outside has gate-crashed the sanctuary.

The intruder turns out to be another father, Will (Christopher Abbott), who claims to be looking for water for his wife Kim (Riley Keough) and son Andrew (Griffin Robert Faulkner). Will explains his family are also free of the disease and Kim and Andrew are hiding in an abandoned house several miles away.

In a merciless time when compassion can get you killed, Paul must decide whether to believe Will’s story or eliminate the potential threat to his group’s survival.

On general release